Friday, May 7, 2010

please Lord, give me some ambition...

59 days and counting to our move from the Brown Desert to Urban Sprawl and Eastern Green.

I have closets to clean, drawers to empty, toys to sort through, and...NO AMBITION. I wonder, honestly, if I'm just a bit depressed about the whole thing. It's normal, I suppose. Please friends, would you pray that I would have some ambition!? (I'm NOT being facetious...).

I've all but put school on hold for now. Ingy is reading like a champ, and I'm confident that she'll hit 1st grade with a great leg-up, whether it be in a formal school setting, or continuing to home school. My sole Kinder goal was to have her reading reasonably well. Math, writing, formal crafts all happened along the way, but they weren't part of the end-goal. So I'm encouraged to have met that one milestone.


Barbara said...

Lots of prayers, and plenty of hugs, that is what it takes,
Hugs Barbara

stephanie j. said...

Thanks, Barbara :)

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