...this is what they make. By the way, the girls call these "shoot guns". The flowers were from a friend, and only seemed an appropriate background for the girlie-colored "shoot gun" on the right. Note how the bow matches Daddy's. Isn't that nice? Oh, see the appropriate props in the bottom left hand corner? I'm not taking any credit for this display or project. This is ALLLLLLL him.
By the way, we're sick again. Please pray.
My boys are eyeing those lego guns!
Get well soon---sorry to hear your're sick again!!!
I am praying!
I suppose Chad is trying to teach them a healthy respect for the 2nd Amendment :)
Ingrid seems better this morning...it was the "stomach variety" of sick this time, Joy. Sooooooo awful to see your child sleeping on the bathroom floor in a sleeping bag, but it was nice and cool in there and seemed to comfort her. Now I'm feeling a bit "green". She started out with a headache yesterday afternoon, and by last night, was "losing it". Is that enough "quotation marks" for you?!
I love it when Dads and their daughters collaborate on a project! LOL!
I hope that you are all feeling much better soon.
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