I love to bike, but don't as often as I would like to. I read more often than I have time for. I bake just as much bread as we need.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Doctor Who - Full Length Trailer for New Series 2011 - BBC One
Tell me if I'm crazy, but if you watch VERY, VERY carefully, there are two places where a TARDIS is seen that is NOT 11's TARDIS. There's no St. John's Ambulance round sticker when the TARDIS is spinning through space, and there are those coral-looking struts from 9 and 10's TARDIS at the :37 second mark, and it looks Rory and Amy are watching 10? regenerate...
Is someone coming back? EEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Probably not, but just in case... EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Pray for ingrid
Ingy has a migraine. Just got back from the doctor. She has been referred to a neurologist but it will take days to get in. She is really sufferring.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Robin Hood was here
There is trouble afoot in Sherwood Forest (literally...this neighborhood is called Sherwood Hall). HA! Found this walking on the way to school this morning. Alas, Jonas Armstrong did not jump out from behind the tree...
PS this is my first ever mobile blog post!
Monday, March 28, 2011
i switched my blogger account...
what Ingrid learned at school this week...
"Daddy, how do I tape them back together?"
"You don't, Ilsa. But look! Now you have a pair of bike shorts, socks or wait! You could even wear them as arm warmers!"
And then with further modification, you get slippers.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sorry I can't make this smaller... But I don't care! It's the Doctor Who Season Six Prequel -- AND IT'S CREEPY! Counting down to April 23, 2011...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
very, very bummed...my sourdough starter molded
update on Mr. BikeMan

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Doctor Who Paper Art!!!

These are just too, too cool! Here is link to the website to print and cut.
Friday, March 11, 2011
so glad so glad so glad so glad...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
the little shop

I just had to post the sign from The Little Shop. I went in the day we checked Chad out of the hospital, thinking that maybe, just maybe, I'd find a fellow Whovian inside, or at least someone who might understand the reference. No such luck. I didn't even ask.
YAY! He's home!!!
Visiting infusion nurse came and taught me how to administer the antibiotics to Chad's PICC line at 7:30 this morning. It isn't hard, but I was a bit nervous. Now, after 6 syringes, I feel like an old pro! :)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Chad update - early morning Wednesday 3/9/11
- PRAISE! The infection was common staph, and not common MRSA or hospital-borne MRSA.
- PRAISE! The physicians, technicians and nursing staff have been methodical, brilliant, lovely, fun, caring, attentive and careful.
- PRAISE! We are so very, very thankful for the outpouring of support, comfort and physical care offered and received by friends and strangers alike from church and through Steph's connection with the Well-Trained Mind homeschooling message board. She even received an offer of help from a complete stranger -- a barista at Starbucks.
- Pain management at home, and the ability to manage sterility here. Eradication of the nausea and constant headache from the necessary, but very potent pain medicine.
- We have stairs. Lots of 'em. We need to find the best place for him to settle.
- For the infection to be completely controlled.
- Ingrid's health -- her bug just keeps coming back.
- Emotional strength.
- For full healing, ultimately, so that Chad would be able to return to his former level of physical activity.
- That his job would not be impacted negatively by this situation.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Chad update - evening
Chad Update - 13:40 Monday 3/7/11
Surgery scheduled for 3:00 today (Monday 3/7/11) to flush the wound
Looks like staph or MRSA - pathology will come back tomorrow
Pain management seems to be working better
PICC line will be inserted tomorrow for 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy; line will be inserted to the vein nearest his heart.
chad update: having surgery today (Monday 3/7)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
went dark ginger
Hard to tell here, but I even went darker on Thursday. Just had a chance to upload the photo now...
It is quite a bit redder in natural light than it looks in the photo.
haven't seen any Cat-Nurse-Nuns...yet...
In the midst of Chad's very serious medical situation, I did find a moment of humor while sitting in the ER waiting room watching the hospital info-channel loop over and over again. Doctor Who fans will understand...
The Doctor would be sooooooo pleased!
prayer request for mr. bikeman please
I took him to the ER and he was admitted soon thereafter with a very serious infection in his surgical sight. Infectious disease doc believes he caught staph in the surgery. He's in hospital for at least 5 - 7 days with IV antibiotics, and then he'll have a pic line placed for six weeks of home-injections.
He's in an awful lot of pain and it's a serious situation.
Thank you friends and faithful readers...
I have pictures but I won't post them... you don't want to see. Seriously.