It was nice being
almost-Amish for a week (I exaggerate), and
off of Facebook since Ash Wednesday. It has been quite refreshing. I'm still contemplating what to do about Facebook. I know one thing: even if I do go back on, it will be on a much less frequent basis than before.

Crocheted amigurumi bunnies, carrots, nests and eggs and duckies for the girls...pink-trimmed for Ingrid and purple for Ilsa.

Hot cross buns for Good Friday.

We dyed Easter eggs on Saturday.

This was before church on Sunday..."No girls, you can't take your duckies and candy into Church!"
Did you make those crocheted bunnies and ducks and things???
Happy Easter friend!
Cute! Nice work :)
Funny thing is... in spite of your Facebook Fast... "you" still keep making updates about how excited you are about Scrubs...
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