10 things for which I am thankful

In no particular order:
- Chad should be back in the saddle presently. The property portion of his bike accident claim will be settled very soon.
- We will actually be filing our PCS move damage claim this week...only 20 months after the move. Well, I guess that's why they have a 2 year filing window. Ha!
- Zyrtec, Sudafed, mint tea and my neti pot. I won't elaborate.
- 150 pounds of Wheat Montana wheat berries (100 pounds of Bronze Chief and 50 pounds of Prairie Gold).
- The Easter candy is almost gone...except for my secret Peeps stash in the closet for after-bedtime noshing.
- Our carrots, potatoes and spring onions are poking through the warm soil.
- My new size "J" Clover brand crochet hook
- Pastor S.'s new year-long sermon series on being a counter-cultural Christian. Click to listen. The series is from Matthew 5 -- Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.
- Being hated (See number 8): "...and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:11
- That Ingrid thanks the Lord for being "Her Strong God" everytime she prays.
This list is fantastic. It just makes me smile.
Coming to town in July...must see you...
And to think that I thought I was behind because we have not filed our PCS claim and it has been 30 days!
Kind of embarassing, considering my hubby is IN the Legal office and used to work in the Claims Dept up in The Land That Time Forgot...
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