2) The garden is going to town! We now have 10 potato plants showing their happy little leaves above ground. We have eaten our first ripe tomatoes -- an orange cherry-type. Mmmmm. We have about 100 carrot tops, but I must have spilled the seed packet in one spot, because 90 of them are in one 6 inch circle. Ha! I attempted to not only thin then, but transplant those precious little roots into rows. It doesn't look promising, but I thought I'd give it a try.
3) I'm on my third antibiotic course in 5 weeks now. I won't grossify you with the details other than to say it is a persistent sinus infection. I'm using my neti pot religously, and my nurse gave me a rinse "recipe" that includes water, salt, baking soda, tea tree oil and aloe vera juice. I just haven't felt well enough to go out and get the ingredients. If you wouldn't mind praying, I know you are probably tired of reading my blog posts bemoaning my health. I'm just so ready for this stage of sickness to be done.
I sure hope you are feeling better soon - sending prayers and hugs your way. LOL at your husband - aren't they precious?
We just put our garden in too and I'm trying potatoes for a change. Hope they grow!
Oh, I just read my comment - I'm not laughing in a mean way at your husband - I just get a kick out of his wanting you to take a photo!
Thanks for the prayers! I actually feel better today than I did yesterday. I hope that my staying up to 10:30 doesn't undo the good rest that I caught today, though :)-
I got the photo posted...at his request! I'm telling you, this tooth has taken on a life of its own in his mouth! I think the dentist must have put some sort of alien control device in it...maybe *that's* the reason he's so adamant about the picture, post, etc!. Ha! Yep, it's 10:30 and I should be in bed. I had better stop now. :)
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