The past week, we've had a little, ahem, problem...mice. So far, we've "dispatched" two mice (no signs of rats, but doesn't "Rat Patrol" sound better?). Not inside the house, mind you, but on our front porch, back porch and maybe, just maybe, right inside our garage. We are told that this is completely normal in Almost Mexico, AZ in the fall, and due to all of the new home construction, many pests have been displaced from the long-empty lots.
I have reassured the girls that mice in the real world aren't like Gus Gus from Cinderella. They neither sing, nor do they sew. Every morning, the first thing they ask Daddy is, "Did we get a mouse?"
To see the look on Ingrid "The Enforcer" Jespersen's face...frightening...click on the picture. It's worth it.

I am glad they aren't rats. Especially those Almost Mexico Pack Rats! They are nasty little things!
And your little enforcers are the cutest!
I was worried about those, as we have deer grass planted, but I've been checking it frequently for activity, and have never seen even a hint of evidence.
Ingrid didn't want me to use that picture. I told her, "You look so brave." She replied, "I wasn't brave, it's just a bad picture!"
I posted the spider picture. Do you know what this is?
did you see pink martini in bismarck?
it's clearly the deadly cherry-bottomed blood sucking vampire spider of the deep southwest. very, very dangerous - although great served on toast with marmalade.
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