- Princess (Easy)
- Pink Princess (Easy)
- Ducky Fairy Princess Mermaid (Not so easy)
- Ariel (The Little Mermaid -- tail logistics could be a problem)
- Jasmine (no way...too much like a belly dancer)
- Belle (a personal favorite)
- One of The Incredibles (would've been SOOOOO cute - red shirt and leggings would've been practical, too!)
- Wall-E (a box...what could be easier?)
- Eve from Wall-E (hmmmm, a white garbage can?)
- Hula Badula Girl (hula girl...) (See Jasmine)
- A genie (See Jasmine)
- A door (Huh? Maybe we could've tacked the 95 theses...appropriate considering it is Reformation Day the next day)
- A rubber duckie in a bubble bath (easier than you might think...)
Ilsa would then chime in echoing whatever Ingrid said, except for a while, she really wanted to be Jack Jack from The Incredibles. With pretend fire on her head.
The question is now finally settled: Ariel and Cinderella. Thank you Target for reasonable, cute costumes.
i think the real question needs to be whether or not these costumes survive for another 29 days?
I got smart and put them in the furthest reaches of the high bar in their closet. Out of sight, hopefully out of mind!
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