Princess pumpkins, of course. I got one of those cheapie pumpkin carving kits at the grocery store, and great googley moogley, they work! I found free stencils of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella on the
Huggies diapers website. I think that Sleeping Beauty turned out better, probably because my hand wasn't so TIRED.

Cinderella, poor thing, has a swollen cheek -- maybe she had a root canal yesterday.

And if you look at Sleeping Beauty closely, she has a bad case of The Pox -- it was a medieval tale, after all. (I had to use that side to make her luxurious locks fit...the other side was perfect, of course.) But they look cool from a distance!
Very cute! I admire your strength, patience, and craftmanship! We typically choose the absolute simplest pattern I can find...
Wow! Y'all are talented! We bought big ol'e pumpkins on the first of October and then promptly forgot to carve them! Ahhh!
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