If you are familiar with Anne of Green Gables, you surely must remember the part where Anne and Diana vow their undying friendship to each other, even though they have been separated by circumstance and parents, solemnized with the snipping of tiny locks of hair given to each other as a token of their friendship.
Today, we were visiting "H". So....it was a bit too quiet back in "H's" room. I go back there to let Ingy know it is time to go. You guessed it. Chunk of Ingrid's hair is gone and in a ziplock. I think that PDG has some "buyer's regret" at the moment, so I'm not even bringing it up. I'm minimizing it in fact. She's going to beat herself up enough over the next six months when she can't have pony tails this hot, sticky summer on the Eastern Seaboard. I'm sure we'll look at this incident with fond remembrance. I'm not ready to do that just yet... still kind of ticked, in fact.
I hate to say it, but this seems like a rite of passage for all children. I speak from experience, as one who cut off her bangs all across the forehead at the ROOT when I was 5 years old! My mom still has the pictures to prove it.:-) Don't worry, Steph, you'll get to a point of seeing the humor one day down the road. Probably about the time you're able to make pony tails again!
But how romantic to have lock of your jet black tresses.
But I don't have any black dresses....
Oh...sorry, I had to have a Anne moment there.
For as sad as this hair disaster is, it will also go down as a sweet tale in the J family history. She'll never be allowed to forget that time she cut a lock of her beautiful auburn hair...it will be a story of legends!
Hair grows back. Quickly. And you have a great family story to gain for it!
Hair might be better than blood. Did you ever make a blood pact with friends? I remember pricking our fingers and smooshing them together to "mix our blood."
Molly, I didn't know that about you! Wow. I wish I could see that pic.
Kellie A, your quotes made me smile. Diana did look confused in that scene, didn't she?
Kelly R, I never did the "blood sisters" thing, but I remember friends wanting to....somehow I thought my Mom would get REALLY mad if she found out I had done that...
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