I can always tell when my brain is dried up...fresh out of blogging ideas. I start thinking about the stuff that I really like. Stuff that has worked for our family. (Stuff -- what a word -- it's all gonna burn someday, huh? Yep. I think I have an idea for a blog post....)
Anyway, I was doing a search on "Bilibo" (one of Ingrid and Ilsa's favorite toys -- they have a yellow one) and found the website for the Swiss manufacturer, active people toys. They have come up with a bunch of brand new, open-ended, creativity exploding toys. I particularly like the Bilibo/Pixel gamebox combo, as well as the Sakol wooden blocks with velcro attached.
The toys look innocuous -- like nothing in particular. But add kids to the mix and be amazed to see what they come up with. This youtube video is basically an advertisement, but shows what cool stuff the kids came up with on their own:
I love to bike, but don't as often as I would like to. I read more often than I have time for. I bake just as much bread as we need.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
product placement = active people toys
this blather is about:
cool stuff,
european toys,
product placement,
Saturday, May 30, 2009
10 things for which i am thankful
It's been a while...in no particular order:
- The Lord is glorified when our lives are broken
- Prayer is a gift from the Lord that blesses us while giving glory to the Lord
- Nutella and graham crackers
- Pre-paid phone cards
- Pre-paid cell phones
- Popsicles
- Chad is seeing the light at the end of the "ACSC tunnel"
- The color aqua
- The Base pool is open
- Ingrid and Ilsa love the library
Friday, May 29, 2009
birdz & beez

Can you recommend books on the subject that are Christian, yet not promoting naivete? Chad and I wish to raise girls who are innocent, yet not naive.
this blather is about:
advice please,
birds and bees,
facts of life
i took down the "whatever martha" video...
I felt compelled to take down this blog post...yes it was humorous, but at the expense of a Mother. My own Mom pointed out to me the other day that she was so saddened when she heard some grown friends of hers talking about their elderly parents disrespectfully. She is right...even if that mom IS Martha Stewart, her daughter has no business humiliating her in front of the world.
I apologize for putting this video up.
I apologize for putting this video up.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
convicting quote = parenting
From Donna Young's website:
Don't underestimate your children's ability to model your worse habits.
- Donna Young
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
the prosperity gospel unmasked
this blather is about:
john piper,
the gospel,
true christianity,
more info on baby joe joe
Sweet Baby Joe Joe had a minor stroke yesterday along with several seizures. There appears to be some brain damage. He is now has a catheter, semi-permanent IV line, and a breathing tube. He is also very swollen because of all of the IV fluids.
Mom Ciria has asked that we pray that the doctors have wisdom and strength for all of them as this trial continues.
Mom Ciria has asked that we pray that the doctors have wisdom and strength for all of them as this trial continues.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
prayer request for baby joe joe
Our friends' infant son, "Joe Joe" was admitted to the hospital Monday with probable meningitis, and he has the complication of Downs Syndrome. He will be there a minimum of ten days, but these first three days are critical. Please pray for this sweet family who love the Lord so much; they are understandably scared. They also have a 2 1/2 year old and 9-ish year old.
** Update 7:00 pm**
Joe Joe does, indeed, have bacterial meningitis. His Down's has been a factor inasmuch that his immunity is compromised, and therefore, his body didn't fight a normal infection, leading to the meningitis.
** Update 7:00 pm**
Joe Joe does, indeed, have bacterial meningitis. His Down's has been a factor inasmuch that his immunity is compromised, and therefore, his body didn't fight a normal infection, leading to the meningitis.
Friday, May 22, 2009
cool garden resident

I found this funnel-web spider in one of the lantana in our front yard this afternoon. It is a completely harmless spider about the size of a silver dollar when spread out. What a beautiful web she spins. She sits in the hole and waits until prey comes along, and then out she comes. She must have felt my vibrations when I crouched nearby because out she popped for the photo op.

the graduate
Ingrid graduated from Pre-K today. It was a sweet ceremony, even though we didn't catch one smile on film during the ceremony. It turns out that the preschool director had given the students strict instructions as to how to act...like little ladies and gentlemen. Ingrid must have really taken this to heart. She was practically a statue!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
first day....last day
Today was Ingrid's last day of pre-K. I just got home after a celebratory ice cream treat at Sonic drive in (eating in the car on a relatively chilly 67 degrees here in Almost Mexico!).
I'm surprisingly melancholy for a number of reasons: a milestone has been passed that will never again be visited; I loved her teacher, and she loved Ingrid; but primarily because she never liked it; she never got over the jitters of heading off to school; there was a teary day at least once a week about school, and plenty of grumbling in between times. Her heart was just never in it.
I believe we did the right thing having her in pre-K, and we are earnest and confident in our choice to homeschool. I guess I just need to move on.
I'm surprisingly melancholy for a number of reasons: a milestone has been passed that will never again be visited; I loved her teacher, and she loved Ingrid; but primarily because she never liked it; she never got over the jitters of heading off to school; there was a teary day at least once a week about school, and plenty of grumbling in between times. Her heart was just never in it.
I believe we did the right thing having her in pre-K, and we are earnest and confident in our choice to homeschool. I guess I just need to move on.
this blather is about:
home school,
Monday, May 18, 2009
happy mount st. helens day

I was standing outside the old chapel at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, Washington watching Mount St. Helens erupt. Click the photo to read to your heart's content all about The Eruption that changed Washington forever.
So, I suppose in honor of MSHD, the Almost Mexico, AZ international airport has a current temperature reading of 104.4. Ugha.
duck! rabbit!

This is so stinkin' cute! Click the link to watch the video, or the picture to be taken to amazon to see the book, itself. Watch all the way until the very end...nice little grammar lesson :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
product placement = oxo office supplies!
I haven't done a product placement in a while. You probably don't know this, but I have a "thing" for cool design that is functional. I believe that form follows function. In my dream world, my home would be 100% form following function, and I just know it would still be a beautiful place, but it would look like a cover-home of Dwell magazine, decorated by IKEA, Room & Board and DWR.
So, I was super excited to get an e-mail ad this week from OXO announcing that they have teamed up with Staples to sell their exclusive line of OXO office supplies. They are neato. I particularly love the pocket stapler. Now, I know I have no need for a pocket stapler, but the idea is cool.

And check out this push pin dispenser -- it has a little magnetic wand to safely pull them from the dispenser. It just makes me want to make over the office.
Oh, one more thing: I found this darling nightlight over at the OXO website. It plugs into the wall, of course, but then, the whole house comes off, leaving the light in the wall, and giving the child a walk-to-the-bathroom-in-the-middle-of-the-night-nightlight to take along. DARLING!

And check out this push pin dispenser -- it has a little magnetic wand to safely pull them from the dispenser. It just makes me want to make over the office.

this blather is about:
product placement,
Friday, May 15, 2009
baby naming...
So, I'm wondering: why did you choose the specific names that you did for your children? I was surfing the other day and ended up at this article on Wired.com. I found it very interesting. Partly because of our ancestral heritage and partly because Scandinavian names are just downright cool. Chad and I knew we wanted Scandinavian/Germanic for our children. In the back of our minds we knew the names couldn't be "popular" (at least in the top 100 of those yearly lists), and couldn't be "invented". So here's the scoop on our girls' names:
Ingrid Anne - In Norse, Ingrid means a meadow. We also read where it means, hero's daughter or beautiful daughter. Anne is English for gracious.
Ilsa Ruth- Originally a pet form of Elizabeth (Liz), which means consecrated to God. Ruth is Hebrew for friendship.
After Ilsa was born, a good friend of ours quipped that Ingrid Bergman played "Ilsa" in Casablanca. This never occurred to us when we picked the names, but it's kind of cool. (Click on the picture to visit imdb.com for more wonderful photos from Casablanca.)
I'd love to hear your naming philosophy and stories.
Ingrid Anne - In Norse, Ingrid means a meadow. We also read where it means, hero's daughter or beautiful daughter. Anne is English for gracious.
Ilsa Ruth- Originally a pet form of Elizabeth (Liz), which means consecrated to God. Ruth is Hebrew for friendship.

I'd love to hear your naming philosophy and stories.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
i'm so thankful about this!
After several summers of unsuccessful attempts to get Ingrid into swimming lessons, Ingrid is signed up...and bonus, Ilsa is as well! The idea to call the "Y" was a whim...well at least that what most people might think. But honestly I believe it was the prompting of the Holy Spirit. This HAS been a REAL burden. The session sign-ups opened up yesterday morning at 5:00 am. I called at 11:00 am. They told me I had better scoot down quickly. We got the last two spots, and someone was inquiring on the phone as we signed up, for that specific session. Nope, I don't think that "idea" to call was just an idea.

Praise the Lord...I'm not saying this lightly. It has been a burden on my mind the two previous summers. The Lord even cares about swimming lessons. I'm looking forward to a summer of safer splashing.

Praise the Lord...I'm not saying this lightly. It has been a burden on my mind the two previous summers. The Lord even cares about swimming lessons. I'm looking forward to a summer of safer splashing.
Monday, May 11, 2009
amusing ourselves to death

My pastor mentioned "Amusing Ourselves to Death" in his sermon yesterday, so I'm going to give it a plug (it's on my sidebar right now). He is preaching through The Sermon on the Mount right now, and he was on "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted". He brought up the very good point that people avoid mourning (over sin to the point of repentance) by amusing themselves. Our culture now places amusement as the number one goal of life. This is a classic -- read it!
this blather is about:
amusing ourselves to death,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
10 things for which I am thankful - mother's day edition

- Our just-right-for-us home which is comfortable and nicely decorated according to our tastes, and easy to keep clean as it is not a mansion.
- My washing machine/dryer, dishwasher, stove, oven, microwave and hot water heater, all of which afford me more time to spend with my girls (and husband, but this is Mother's Day after all...)
- Our reliable, safe, practical and fun-to-drive Subaru Outback wagon, so that I can safely transport our girls and buy the groceries and things we need.
- Friends who are godly Moms of of whom I can bounce thoughts, questions and prayer needs.
- My Mom. She's wonderful. She's reliable. She loves the Lord, and was and is faithful to raise me in the ways of the Lord, and consistently challenges me to walk in His ways.
- My Mother-in-Law. She's NOT the stereotypical MIL. She's wonderful, too. She cares about me, not because I'm Chad's wife, but because she loves me, too. She too prays for our family on a consistent basis.
- My husband, Chad. It's been 13 wonderful years of marriage now, 5 of which have included motherhood. He's a great husband and caring, gentle and engaged Daddy.
- Ingrid, my firstborn...she's spirited, interesting, smart, creative, thoughtful, inquisitive, beautiful, quick to forgive and amazes me every minute.
- Ilsa, my baby...she's gentle, sweet, kind, soft-hearted, feminine, bright, engaging, funny, and completely delightful.
- My Lord and Savior. I could not have survived as a mommy this long without his grace and gentle guidance. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Mommy.
this blather is about:
10 things thankful,
mother's day,
Saturday, May 9, 2009
desert hike

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Trinity Church Blog: Just Say 'No!'
Click on this link to watch the video. Trinity Church Blog: Just Say 'No!', and then tell me what you think...is any level of cloistering of value?
this blather is about:
Christian living,
thoughtful christianity,
trinity church minot,
an ugly self-realization
I was speaking with a friend yesterday who had the courage, guts and Christian heart to tell me something that I needed to hear: that my displeasure and frustration with a certain individual is written all over my face whenever said person says something that doesn't sit right with me.
Yuck. I KNOW that I have this ugly habit that needs to be prayerfully removed. But I'm more thankful to know that I have a beautiful friend who will tell me when I need to trust that Christ will sanctify me progressively in this area of my life. Friends, will you hold me accountable in this area?
Yuck. I KNOW that I have this ugly habit that needs to be prayerfully removed. But I'm more thankful to know that I have a beautiful friend who will tell me when I need to trust that Christ will sanctify me progressively in this area of my life. Friends, will you hold me accountable in this area?
it must be summer in almost mexico, az

Our tomatoes are quickly starting to ripen now. We have also added Armenian cucumbers,
seedless cukes and a couple of watermelon vines. Our potatoes survived and seem to be thriving (baby reds and Yukon Gold). I am just waiting for some sets so that I can cover them up (create furrows) with dirt so they'll start maturing into taters. The beans are going to town -- have a ton of flowers starting to turn into beans. I haven't caught a picture of her doing this, but the other day I found Ilsa sitting in her little folding ladybug chair picking Italian parsley by the handful and snorfing it. She said to me, "I'm eating salad, Mommy."

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