Garden update: we had to move a few things around, and pull out all of the lettuce and swiss chard. Apparently we put it in about a month was so bitter it was really inedible. If we had a compost pile, we would've thrown it all in there, but our homes are just too close to one another to be both good neighbors and have a healthy compost pile. Some of the tomatoes weren't thriving, so I moved the sad ones into the swimming pool. I think they'll be able to get more nutrients there.

The beans are thriving. We have about 20 plants coming up.

I also trimmed all of the deer grass. Now it looks like hedgehog grass. No, we haven't converted to buddhism. The rock pile is a cairn...our homage to hiking. The girls call it the "Mousie Church".
Thanks for the swimming pool and bucket idea! We were wondering how to grow things here since the dirt is no good...
Just make sure you drill holes in the bottom and test the soil that it drains really, really well. I had to transplant the tomatoes b/c the dirt had turned to MUDDY SLUDGE and they were drowning! Our favorite thing, though is the stock tank. It looks cool, but was expensive. Kind of an architectural of the garden.
Your desert garden is lovely. And your "buddist" rocks comment made me laugh out loud!
that's neat- we like your garden. We are hoping to start next week. I'm glad we hadn't started right after St. Patrick's Day though, as we had a major blizzard 4 days ago, 1ft of snow!
We may do bucket gardens too...the soil at the new house is awful and very rocky...guess I shouldn't be surprised now since we live in the mts.- the Rocky Mts!!!
Happy Gardening!
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