I have felt really off-and-on
lousy for a couple of weeks now. One day I would be fine, the next I couldn't get enough sleep, would feel okay the next day, and then back to yucko. In fact, we cancelled dinner plans with some friends last week because I thought I was coming down with the flu...then, of course, I felt fine the next day, and felt sheepish for cancelling. I was beginning to think I was a hypochondriac.
Well, yesterday morning right as we were about to walk out of the door to church, Ilsa in her unforunately normal-of-late whiney voice came up to me again with the lament, "I don't feel better," an Ilsaism for "I don't feel good." I took her temp, and it was up a bit. Then she said that her back hurt, and she pointed to the same spot over and over again over the course of a few minutes. I knew at this point that this wasn't some flukey thing. So Chad and Ingy went on to church, and I took Ilsa to the urgent care clinic. Long story short, she has strep. Then the Doc turned to me and asked me how I was feeling; I told her, "lousy" and she tested me; I tested positive, too. Ingrid was tested today, and she is negative (I think she inherited Chad's germ-deflection force field).
I learned a few things yesterday:
strep can cause a back ache, you don't always have a fever, and you don't always have a sore throat. I also learned that Ilsa is exceedingly whiney when she doesn't feel good. Can you say, "Mommy guilt" for thinking she was just being crabby?