Every time I take down the Christmas tree and decorations, I pack everything away in such a way that the ornaments would be safe should we move...who knows when the PCS orders will arrive, huh? So this year I went above and beyond.
I took an inventory of our ornaments (we have some really nice ones that parents have given us...Radko's, etc.) that I plan to enter onto a spreadsheet in Excel. Then I labeled every single little box that each little individual ornament goes into so that every ornament has its own little home. All of the breakables are in one big old Rubbermaid bin, and all of the others are in another big old Rubbermaid bin...and those are all individually wrapped in ziplock bags and labeled with a Sharpie.
We have a lot of ornaments. So far, we have more snowmen than anything. Teddy bears are a close second. 85% are probably that shiny blown glass kind. We have about 10 "Our First Christmas" ornaments, and about 10 "Baby's First Christmas" ones. The most beautiful ornament has to be the Radko 4 Santas from 2005 when we became a family of 4. Our strangest ornament has to be the little wooden salmon. There's a tie for most sentimental: Chad's little sparkly smily faces that he made in gradeschool, and my little soldiers and drums.

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