HELP! Ilsa is finally in the terrible twos, right before she turns three! We've had relatively smooth sailing thus far. But now we're talking full-on tantrums, screaming "NO!", running away from me in public, collapsing on the floor at Starbuck's, etc. Her favorite phrase is, "No, I don't want you to, Mom!" I have yet to see a smile on her face this afternoon. And this isn't really a discipline issue -- I've been very, very consistent.
And I know I will survive it, because Ingrid is still with us -- HA! I just needs some words of love friends!
Oh, one funny thing in the past few days. We had a salad along with dinner the other night, and I pulled out the Newman's Own Light Balsamic dressing, you know, the one with the beaming face of Paul Newman on the bottle. Ilsa said, "I want some 'Man Sauce' Mommy." MAN SAUCE! Isn't that hilarious?
That's hilarious! (The Ingrid part...not the Ilsa part.) I can't give you any encouragement "from the other side", and I have no profound pearls of wisdom to offer you. However, I know our God is faithful and that He always gives us the strength we need. So don't despair. No matter how strong her tantrum is, you're AT LEAST that strong in Christ. He called you to parent her, and He will perfectly equip you to do just that. And here's something else I learned just today. Ginger Plowman replies to personal e-mails! Promptly and cordially. :) I've been plugging her book relentlessly on parenting.com forums discussing discipline. One mom was intrigued and e-mailed Ginger and then reported back how lovely Ginger is. :) Give it a go!
Asher is right there with Ilsa. I think it's the third year of life - I really don't know why they're called the terrible twos because the three's are MUCH, MUCH harder than any two year old tantrum! I remember Ezra going through the same thing... running away, screaming NO at the top of his lungs, hiding under the guest bed and taunting me saying, "you can't discipline me because you can't get me." Hang in there and do not grow weary of doing good because in the right time, you will reap a harvest for your hard work.
OH no!
Isn't it funny how as Mom's we never escape the Terrible Two's, even when they come a little late and we think we've escaped!
The good news is that it won't last! Hang in there!
Sounds like what Laurens been doing.
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