I love to bike, but don't as often as I would like to. I read more often than I have time for. I bake just as much bread as we need.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Welcome Chase Biscuit!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Pain, Chase Biscuit and Homeschool
I haven't been able to teach Ingrid for an entire week... on Monday and Tuesday I was simply in too much pain. Wednesday through Friday I had no voice -- not even a whisper. It was rather pathetic.
A couple pieces of great news: our doggie adoption day has been set! We will be picking up our greyhound on November 5. Here is a picture of our dog. His race name is Chase Biscuit. We are contemplating whether or not we will re-name him. Chase is sort of growing on us.
Another good piece of news: Ingrid has started swimming with the home school swim team affiliated with the masters swim team which Chad swims, Fort Belvoir Swim Team. She is such a natural swimmer. She is the youngest and smallest on the team, and definitely NOT the slowest, and her endurance is astounding.
Chad was also able to take the girls on their very first camping trip two weeks ago over Columbus Day weekend. Our church had a father/child camp out south of here. For the first time since Ingrid was born, I was alone in my own home for a night. It was weird. And very quiet. VERY quiet.
Finally, Chad applied a couple of decals to our Subaru. A sweet greyhound profile, and a funny zombie one. Ha ha ha. I am hoping for a "Police Public Call Box" decal across the top soon :D
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wags & Whiskers
Posted from Steph's iPad
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Explaining My Absence and Some Updates
Some of the reasons:
- Chad and I spent much of this summer apart - I in Washington state with my parents for the first half of the summer, and he in Arizona and Alabama for work. We are both back home again. He will be on the road again this fall.
- I am returning to homeschooling, and have been planning. And planning. And planning. Part of the problem was I could NOT find a homeschool planner for Mac. I found a web-based solution two weeks ago, and I love it: Scholaric. It is simple, robust and intuitive. Give it a try!
- I've started CrossFit. See previous post. I'm in pain.
- I've been a little obsessed with Doctor Who and have been on another board a bit too often... I'm a geek. What can I say?
- If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm homeschooling Ingrid for second grade, and from here on out, unless something radical changes. We'll start Monday.
- Ilsa starts kindergarten on Monday at a local church-run school. There are only nine children in her class, and it is half-day. We just do not see the need for full day kindergarten for her.
- We're trying to eat more "Paleo." Chad has tried to convince me it is the way to go, and I'm not 100% convinced. I know people really get great results with it, but I am BikeBookBREAD after all! And it isn't like I am making my bread with shortening and chemicals... I grind wheat, etc. We bought a juicer to help support the Paleo way of eating. That has been a lot of fun... and DELICIOUS!
- We survived Irene. Of course, I'm blogging this, aren't I?
- The rain here in Virginia has been UNREAL -- much worse than anything Irene spat at us.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Bunnies Broke Up
Friday, September 2, 2011
You may think me insane, but actually, I have come to my senses
Yep. I'm doing this. Well, not THIS much weight.
I'll keep you updated... after I can walk again. My quads are jelly, and my back is stiff as a board.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Apple Store of Pizza-Dom
Posted from Steph's iPad
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Riot Wheel (Re-Invention Of The) wheel.©
Friday, August 26, 2011
Hurricane Irene...
We won't be hit with hurricane force winds, but our power will most likely go down tomorrow. Dominion Power Has told us to be prepared to be without power for days, not hours. We will be spending today prepping. Chad is off to find dry ice and prepare our Craig's List generator. I am off to buy supplies.
God protect us all.
Posted from Steph's iPad
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Virginia - Disaster Central!
Only ourselves and the staff left the restaurant. The rest started laughing and looking up at the ceiling. Didn't anyone notice that we were in the bottom floor? Of an old rickety buiding? With 2 ton beams overhead and walls made of brick and plaster? Wo knows how serious it is going to be... And what about aftershocks and gas leaks? Sure it ended up not being as bad as it could have been. But come on people! Use your brains!
When we left the building, smart people were out in the street rather than on the sidewalks, a smart idea given the fact that the walls of the buildings are lined with bricks. Old bricks. Old loose bricks.
We paid for our food and took it to-go. When we got home, being the good homeschooling mama that I am, I got on the web and showed the girls the science of earthquakes on the computer. (Our phone lines our spotty, but web connection remains good. Cellular coverage is very iffy as well.)
Ilsa drew this picture from what she learned:
Next excitement may be arriving on Sunday: the remnants of Hurricane Irene, but I am not going to borrow worry from tomorrow.
Posted from Steph's iPad
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Nice people
We went back this afternoon and bought some beautiful desserts for this evening. So if you are ever in Charlottesville, check out HotCakes.
Posted from Steph's iPad
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How soon we forget... the Minot, ND floods
I received an email this morning from our best friends who left Minot to start a church in Ft. Collins, Colorado asking for prayer and humbly requesting financial assistance for their trip (they'll be sleeping on the floor of our former church, making their own meals, etc.) back to Minot to help rebuild friends' homes.
I went to our former church's website. I am in shock. They posted a Google map with markers indicating all of the families -- OUR FRIENDS -- who have been "displaced" by the flood. What a humble way to say they lost their homes, our former pastor's family included. His home remains underwater.
Please would you pray for this wonderful community? It isn't a flashy place to live -- North Dakota -- but it is filled with the kindest and most giving people my husband and I have ever met in our entire lives. We have said this over and over and over again since we left. I have rarely cried when leaving a location (I usually cry when we arrive at the new place knowing the hard work of replanting roots). But I wept as we sped past the city limits of Minot, ND.
Here is more information about the flood.
Thank you friends.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Ilsa's paper art princess costume
Ilsa is definitely creative. Give her a ream of paper, a roll of tape and a stapler, and she is set for a few hours.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Where's the TARDIS contest winner!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day 2011
These are pictures taken today while out and about in and around Where George Walked, VA.
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Wreath laid during a City of Arlington/VFW memorial service |
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City of Arlington Memorial Pillar |
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Honor Guard |
Sunday, May 29, 2011
View from the pool
We signed up for a season pass at the Ft. Belvior O Club pool. Feels like we are at a posh resort. 3 pools, snack bar, tons of lifeguards. It is so wonderful!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Picking Honeysuckle
Ilsa has discovered the deliciousness that is Honeysuckle. Every morning after we drop off Ingrid, she fills a ziplock with blossoms to "eat" on the way home. Ahhhhhh... spring in Where George Walked is lovely!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Doctor Hoooooooooooooo
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Isn't this clever? This DeviantArt image was t-shirt on Threadless.com recently. Unfortunately already sold out. Vote to re-print! |
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mr Bean - At the Beach
Friday, May 13, 2011
homemade toys
homemade toys, a set on Flickr.
Today, the girls built their own computers. Ilsa announced that hers is a Mac. Ingrid said hers is a laptop. Hee hee :)
A working lunch
Ingrid "built" a computer with an old keyboard she found in the basement. She told me she was looking for clothes on the Nordstrom website. Uh oh...
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
10 things for which i'm thankful
- Homemade pancakes
- Mr. BikeMan is back in the saddle and commuting...and all but one of his many doctors have released him fully, and off of the antibiotics
- I've been a mommy for 7 years now! Mother's Day was lovely
- Summer break is 41 days away, and Ingy will be back home!
- The tire swing
- Longer days, and the girls don't want to come in at night...they want to play and play and play outside
- There are lots of girls in this neighborhood...nice girls for our girls to play with late into the evening
- Swimming lessons begin tonight
- Our healthy garden -- looking forward to cucumbers, beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes and peppers
- Mr. BikeMan signed up for the men's retreat at church -- a first in our married life. We've never attended a church that held a men's retreat that he actually felt would be beneficial to attend. This is a big deal.
if you've never watched Doctor Who...
This is the episode you will want to watch...apparently. Coming this Saturday to BBCAmerica (or in our case, at 12:01 am Sunday via iTunes)
And tell me if I'm crazy (I'm fixated on my theory that Rory is a fobbed Time Lord, BTW). At 22 seconds, I think this is RORY...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
royal wedding recap
I wrote out the following blog post, but forgot to make it live :)-
It's 5:04 am here. I got up at 4:45 to watch live streaming on BBC.
Watching the guests arrive...
Love their musical choices for the arrival of the guests. The ensemble is playing a particularly lovely arrangement of Greensleeves right now. Beautiful.
This Anglophile is in a state of Anglophelia Ecstasy...
THE PRINCES JUST ARRIVED!!!! Squeee!!! I feel like I'm 11 again, watching the wedding of Charles and Diana!
I'm back... it is now 8:13 am. I went upstairs at 5:45 and woke up Ingrid so that she could make a memory :) She was pretty groggy, but woke up quickly. She wasn't quite as interested as I thought she would be. She is only 7 after all. But she had a lot of questions:
"Why can't the people in the church see the wedding?"
"Why are the bridesmaids so little?"
"Why are they kneeling?"
"What's with all of those huge hats? They are getting in the way."
"Why didn't the Prince and Princess kiss each other after they got married?"
Then a declaration: "But I wanted to marry Prince William!"
Post-wedding reflections:
Glad to see Kate wearing such a beautiful, classic and cathedral-appropriate dress. Stunning. Perfect. Memorable. Timeless.
The order of service was lovely. Beautiful Bible readings. Perfect hymns. Loved the John Rutter anthem written for the occasion. (I'm a choral music snob.)
I don't understand all British traditions. Why would Prince William wear the uniform (even honorarily) of an Irish Guard colonel when he is neither a colonel nor in the Irish Guard, but in the RAF? British friends, please explain. Not that he didn't look spectacular, though.
Well, off to take Ingrid to school. I'm sure she'll be dozey today. I don't care. This will be one of those memories of a lifetime, even if she doesn't think so right now.
Old Presbyterian Meeting House
On the way home from work tonight, Mr. BikeMan stumbled upon one of those great places that are everywhere here Where George Walked: the Old Presbyterian Meeting House Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier.
The cemetery holds over 300 "inhabitants" and is smaller than our modest back yard.
The church is still very active, and has a membership of around 1,000. The congregation was founded in 1760. They called their first pastor in 1772, and the first meeting house built in 1775.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I love family businesses!
In the age of big box retail and corporate behemoths, we are lucky to have this family-owned gas station just 3 minutes from our home.
Today they are celebrating their 50th anniversary. Congratulations!
The service station attendants pump your gas. They are friendly and genuinely cheerful. Their repair service is excellent. A few times a week, the wife of the original owner works as cashier.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
severe thunderstorm has hit
so what do YOU do when there's a tornado watch?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How Are Mac & PC People Different? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Monday, April 25, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
garden tomb tableau
beautiful tribute to elisabeth sladen
I didn't know Sally Forth was a Whovian...
Monday, April 18, 2011
don't wanna wake you up...
"Mommy! Mommy! I just want you to know that I'm going to the bathroom. But I won't flush the toilet because I don't want to wake you up."
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Mr. BikeMan built his first wheel!
Chad had the privilege of learning how to build a bicycle wheel from one of the best wheel builders on the East coast. Here is the fruit of his labor. He'll be building his second wheel soon.
Note the absence of crutches and the presence of two real shoes! Whoopee!