Thursday, January 21, 2010


"Jumpolene" - trampolene
"Doodler Dog" - poodle

a book a week....uhmmmm....has stalled

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that my lofty goals have somewhat faltered. I'm still working on "Zippy".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a book a week for 2010

I've never done this before -- I'm taking the "book a week" challenge - 52 books this year!

Week 1: A Girl Named Zippy

peter reinhart's new bread forum/bread stuff

Peter Reinhart has started a new bread-baking forum. I'm so excited! I hope I don't waste too much time there....

For Christmas I received two brotformen (bread forms, or banneton) -- an oval and a round. I'll be testing them out today on Pain de Campagne.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

happy new year

I'm still alive...just haven't felt like blogging. But I HAVE felt like biking...went out with the girls today for about 1 1/2 hours. Nothing strenuous, just figure eights in the street. What can I say? It's 72 degrees and clear outside. Who wants to blog when you've got weather like that on January 5th?

amoretti is getting spring-ified

Rebekah Merkle over at Amoretti is READY for spring. I would agree! Check out her blog to see some inspirational fabric for springtime.
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