I love to bike, but don't as often as I would like to. I read more often than I have time for. I bake just as much bread as we need.
So this morning I wasn't feeling great. Probably didn't help that I got up this morning after having had no dinner last night, and promptly ate a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for breakfast. Blah...way way way too much sugar on an empty stomach. It sent me reeling for quite a while. The girls were quite concerned, so Ilsa got their toy medical kit out and decided to make me feel better. I had the blanket over my head, so she worked on my feet. Shots, blood pressure, plastic bandage, the works. Mr. BikeMan snapped this picture after her prescribed course of treatment was complete.
So, we got this fancy tire swing set up finally.... I have a feeling we'll have a hard time getting the girls OFF of the fancy tire swing. Mr. BikeMan started researching tire swings on the web. He found a guy up in Massachusetts who makes these seriously great swings. You can choose small or large tires, the chain color, ball-bearing 360* rotators, etc... It was shipped via FedEx and arrived 3 days after we placed the order. I love promoting small businesses... here's a link to his site, "My Tire Swings".